Flora Pannonica III. évfolyam (2005)

Király G. – Mesterházy A.: A Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray Magyarországon. FP 3: 3-15 (2005)
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Király G. – Barina Z. – Horváth T. – Mesterházy A.: Az Orobanche pancicii Beck előfordulása Magyarországon. FP 3: 17-25 (2005)
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Király G.: Kiegészítések a magyar adventív-flóra ismeretéhez II. Az Epilobium ciliatum Rafin. Magyarországon. FP 3: 27-39 (2005)
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Király G. – Nagy A. – Király A.: Kiegészítések a Soproni-hegység és a Soproni-medence flórájának ismeretéhez. FP 3: 41-48 (2005)
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Csiky J. – Oláh E. – Baráth K.: A Medicago nigra (L.) Krock. Magyarországon. FP 3: 49-55 (2005)
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Király G. – Mesterházy A.: A Potamogeton compressus L. magyarországi adatának helyesbítése. FP 3: 57-58 (2005)
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Pinke Gy. – Pál R. – Király G. – Szendrődi V. – Mesterházy A.: Atlanti-mediterrán gyomnövények előfordulása Magyarországon. FP 3: 59-67 (2005)
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Csiky J. – Farkas S. – Király G. – Pál R. – Purger D. – Tóth I. Zs.: A Cirsium boujartii (Pill. et Mitterp.) Schultz Bip. újrafelfedezése Magyarországon. FP 3: 69-77 (2005)
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Mesterházy A. – Király G.: Iszapnövény tanulmányok I. Az Isolepis setacea (L.) R. Br. előfordulása Magyarországon. FP 3: 79-89 (2005)
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Jakab G.: Adatok a Dél-Tiszántúl flórájának ismeretéhez II. FP 3: 91-119 (2005)
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Vidéki R.: Cycloloma atriplicifolia (Spreng.) J. M. Coulter és Salsola collina Pallas Magyarországon. FP 3: 121-134 (2005)
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BALOGH L.: Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte Magyarországon. FP 3: 135-161 (2005)
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Pifkó D.: Adatok a hazai Chamaecytisus-fajok ismeretéhez II. FP 3: 163-174 (2005)
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Rövid közlemények. FP 3: 175-178 (2005)
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Király G. – Mesterházy A.

A Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray Magyarországon

FP 3: 3-15 (2005)


Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray is one of the most rare grass species in Central Europe. Present paper discusses its morphological characteristics and completes the former foreign and Hungarian identification keys on the basis of the examination of Hungarian specimens. The most reliable of the diagnostic characters is the ratio of the length of the inflorescence and the length of the lowest lateral branch of the inflorescence. Although all the absolute length data overlap, the size of the glume is relatively well applicable while the size of lemma is less useful.

Previously seventeen localities of Vulpia bromoides were known from Hungary, and the newest of them is dated from 1961. Between 2003-2005 this species was found in ten more places. According to its distribution, it can be stated that its occurrences are restricted to the part of Transdanubia having sub-Atlantic, sub-Mediterranean character, where the probability of the summer precipitation is significant. Vulpia bromoides exists in acidophil pioneer grasslands as well as lean Agrostis-grasslands.

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Király G. – Barina Z. – Horváth T. – Mesterházy A.

Az Orobanche pancicii Beck előfordulása Magyarországon

FP 3: 17-25 (2005)


Since the beginning of the 1990’s specimens of Orobanche genus living on Knautia drymeia are known from the Kőszeg Mountains (NW Hungary), which were identified as O. reticulata Wallr. on the bases of Hungarian references (Király 1996). Later it was stated (Pusch 2000) that an Austrian ‘O. reticulata’ specimen living on Knautia is the same as O. pancicii Beck formerly known only from the Balkans. In 2005 it was confirmed that the plants from Kőszeg Mountains belongs to O. pancicii as well as later this year a new locality of the species was found near Szepetnek (Southwest Hungary). During the examination of the herbarium (BP) specimens from three new localities collected between 1945-1948 in Zala county (SW Hungary) were detected, moreover a specimen from 1933 from the surroundings of Kőszeg was found.

In Hungary O. pancicii lives exclusively on Knautia drymeia and its localities are situated between the elevations of 150-450 m. In Kőszeg Mountains it exists in hornbeam-oak forests, where Knautia drymeia is one of the characteristic species of the herb layer. A part of these hornbeam-oak forests is developed on the territory of former chestnut groves consequently they are rich in herb species and full of forest edge elements. Near Szepetnek O. pancicii exists in secondary scrubbing meadow. On the bases of these new results, Hungarian data referring to O. reticulata must be modified as well. Knautia drymeia must be deleted from its host species list as in fact it lives only on some Carduus and Cirsium species.

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Király G.

Kiegészítések a magyar adventív-flóra ismeretéhez II. Az Epilobium ciliatum Rafin. Magyarországon

FP 3: 27-39 (2005)


Epilobium ciliatum is an adventive plant species originated from North America, found in Europe for the first time in 1889. During the 20th century it spread to the northern, western and central part of the continent. In 1971 it was discovered firstly in Hungary but no valid data have been published since then. According to the new research between 1999-2005 it was detected in 61 grid squares in the country.

This study summarizes the information on the taxonomic status of Epilobium ciliatum and emphasizes that within Europe E. ciliatum s. l. is discussed distinctly in the Scandinavian, Central and Western European elaborations. It can be stated that the numerous taxa detailed in the Scandinavian Floras are based upon insufficient descriptions, moreover the applied nomenclature contradicts to the one applied in North American Floras. In this study the Hungarian plant is identified as E. ciliatum s. str. corresponding to the standpoint of the bordering countries and some North American works.

Author details the diagnostic characters of E. ciliatum, discloses the extended identification key of genus Epilobium, records the archive and actual occurrence data as well as compiles the map of the Hungarian distribution. Examining the data, it can be concluded that E. ciliatum is frequent in the western part of Transdanubia, but its absence in the eastern and central part of the country is probably seeming and can be explained by its misidentification. Most of the occurrences of E. ciliatum can be found in cutting sites, besides it exists in arable and other weed communities.

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Király G. – Nagy A. – Király A.

Kiegészítések a Soproni-hegység és a Soproni-medence flórájának ismeretéhez

FP 3: 41-48 (2005)


Present study discusses the most interesting results of the floristic research of the years 2004-2005 in the territory of Sopron Hills (Soproni-hegység) and Sopron Basin (Soproni-medence). During the fieldwork 6 new species, 2 subspecies and one hybrid were found for this area, as well as 2 further species are new for the Hungarian part of the mountains. Moreover, the presence of 12 species, which had old or uncertain data previously was confirmed as well as 12 formerly known species were found in new localities.

From the phytogeographic and nature conservation point of view the discovery of Pseudolysimachion spurium and Melica picta near Ágfalva has outstanding importance, as well as the occurrences of Veronica dillenii and Heleochloa schoenoides in the surroundings of Harka are regionally remarkable. Authors also present additional information on the identifying characteristics of some little-known taxa (such as Solanum nigrum subsp. schultesii, Digitaria ciliaris).

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Csiky J. – Oláh E. – Baráth K.

A Medicago nigra (L.) Krock. Magyarországon

FP 3: 49-55 (2005)


Due to the extensive exploration of the flora and vegetation in the last few years, an uncertain element of the Hungarian Flora, Medicago nigra was identified again in the south part of the Transdanubian region (SW Hungary). Several hundred individuals of Medicago nigra were found on a roadside next to Rózsafa on the Dráva Plain.

Our study concentrates on difficulties of the identification of this species, the distribution of Medicago nigra in Hungary and the description of its habitat. According to the general practise of Hungarian Flora Mapping, we compiled the distribution map of Medicago nigra.

The previous observations of this species were referred to var. denticulata (Willd.) Urban in Hungary, while at Rózsafa var. apiculata (Willd.) Urban was detected. It can be stated that Medicago nigra is only a temporary element of the Hungarian Flora. This species occurs on the edge of roads, in weedy, sunny and dry habitats in the Pannonicum. According to IUCN standards Medicago nigra can be classified as a „critically endangered” (CR) species in Hungary.

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Király G. – Mesterházy A.

A Potamogeton compressus L. magyarországi adatának helyesbítése

FP 3: 57-58 (2005)


Felföldy ap. Simon (1992) presented Potamogeton compressus L., which had been formerly unknown in the Hungarian flora, from the territory of Szigetköz region (NW Hungary). During the examination of the herbarium specimens (BP) the plant from the Szigetköz was identified as P. acutifolius Link. Therefore the occurrence of Potamogeton compressus L. in Hungary cannot be proved, and must be deleted from the Hungarian checklist.

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Pinke Gy. – Pál R. – Király G. – Szendrődi V. – Mesterházy A.

Atlanti-mediterrán gyomnövények előfordulása Magyarországon

FP 3: 59-67 (2005)


In this paper the Hungarian distribution and habitat conditions of five Atlantic-Mediterranean weed species, such as Anthoxanthum puelii, Aphanes microcarpa, Spergula pentandra, Thlaspi alliaceum and Teesdalia nudicaulis are discussed. The distribution of these species is restricted to the south-western part of Hungary due partly to the favourable Subatlantic-Submediterranean climate character, partly to the edaphic characteristics (acidophilus soils) of this region.

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Csiky J. – Farkas S. – Király G. – Pál R. – Purger D. – Tóth I. Zs.

A Cirsium boujartii (Pill. et Mitterp.) Schultz Bip. újrafelfedezése Magyarországon

FP 3: 69-77 (2005)


Cirsium boujartii (Pill. et Mitterp.) Schultz Bip., which nearest relation is C. furiens Griseb. et Schenk belongs to the section Eriolepis (Cass.) Dumort of the genus. The locus classicus of the species is in Hungary (near Pécs). Its former records refer to Pécs and the southern part of Transdanubian Mountains. The subsp. boujartii is supposed to be a Pannon endemism, which is still known only from Hungary and South Romania. Although its stems had been collected in 1953, it was treated as extinct taxon (not always on species level) in the Hungarian flora works since the middle of the 20th century. Due to the extensive exploration of the flora in the period of 2003-2005 Cirsium boujartii was found in 38 grid squares in South Hungary. After our statement this taxon can be identified easily from the morphological point of view and differs well in strict marks from other Cirsium taxa on species level. Its area is compact; some populations count more than 10000 individuals.

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Mesterházy A. – Király G.

Iszapnövény tanulmányok I. Az Isolepis setacea (L.) R. Br. előfordulása Magyarországon

FP 3: 79-89 (2005)


Isolepis setacea (L.) R. Br. is a rare taxon of the Carpathian Basin, its distribution and phytocoenologic relations formerly were less known. In Hungary 14 valid archive data of this species are recorded. The last occurrences were found in 1968 (consequently it was regarded as extinct species in Hungary), but between 2003-2005 eight new localities were detected. Its occurrences are restricted to the western part of Hungary having sub-Atlantic climatic effect, where the mean annual precipitation is between 650 and 800 mm. It occurs on moist mineral soil surface, in pioneer associations. It can be found on calciferous and acidophilus sand, on stiff argillaceous gravel and on river-gravel (only one locality). Although Isolepis setacea does not require long-lasting water cover, as opposed to the Nanocyperion species existing in areas covered by inland water, it prefers waterlogged soils. At present several stable populations are known in Hungary, the only endangering factor is fast succession process of its habitats.

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Jakab G.

Adatok a Dél-Tiszántúl flórájának ismeretéhez II.

FP 3: 91-119 (2005)


This publication contains floristical data about South Tiszántúl region. Records of species are presented which are locally or generally rare or protected. Callitriche cophocarpa, Cardamine hirsuta, Hordeum jubatum, Thesium dollineri, Potentilla inclinata, Saxifraga tridactylites are new to the flora of the region. The most remarkable are the new localities of Aegilops cylindrica, Callitriche palustris, Carex divisa, Carex secalina, Scorzonera parviflora, Isatis tinctoria, Lythrum tribacteatum, Myosotis sicula, Myosotis sparsiflora, Ranunculus peltatus subsp. baudotii, Ranunculus polyphyllus, Ranunculus radians, Sedum caespitosum, Taraxacum palustre, Trifolium incarnatum, Trifolium ornithopodioides and Veronica acinifolia.

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Vidéki R.

Cycloloma atriplicifolia (Spreng.) J. M. Coulter és Salsola collina Pallas Magyarországon

FP 3: 121-134 (2005)


Während der floristischen Kartierung im mittleren Teil Ungarns wurden 2004-2005 zwei interessante Adventive der Familie Chenopodiaceae entdeckt. Wenige Exemplare von Cycloloma atriplicifolia (Spreng.) J. M. Coulter wurden an gestörten Sandstandorten bei Orgovány gefunden. Tschechische Botaniker meldeten diese Art schon früher vom Gebiet, aber der genaue Fundort konnte nach langwieriger Suche erst jetzt bekanntgegeben werden. Salsola collina Pallas ist neu für die ungarische Flora, kommt in sekundären Rasen an zwei Fundorten (bei Izsák und Soltszentimre) vor.

In der Studie wird neben der detaillierten morphologischen Beschreibung eine Übersicht über die Taxonomie, Nomenklatur, Einbürgerungstendenz und Umstände der früheren und aktuellen Entdeckungen beider Arten gegeben. Neben der Besprechung der Arten soll die Aufmerksamkeit auf die beiden potentiellen Invasiven gelenkt werden, die im Späteren einen Einfluss auf die Sandvegetation Ungarns ausüben können.

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Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte Magyarországon

FP 3: 135-161 (2005)


The East Asian Ph. esculenta was introduced to our continent as well as to Hungary, similar to its congener species, the North American Ph. americana. The latter has been naturalised most of Europe for a long time, while formerly Ph. esculenta has been mentioned mostly as a casual alien only. Lately this species also became naturalised in Hungary and its slow but stable spontaneous spread, soft invasion could have been observed till now almost solely in settlements. Present study discusses the taxonomical problems, morphology and the European spread of the species, also provides an explanation on the history of its naturalisation in Hungary, floristic data, habitat, phenology, dispersal, ecological and coenological circumstances.

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Pifkó D.

Adatok a hazai Chamaecytisus-fajok ismeretéhez II.

FP 3: 163-174 (2005)


A szerző a Chamaecytisus supinus és a Ch. triflorus alakkörébe tartozó magyarországi taxonok morfológiai jellemzését adja, vázolva magyarországi elterjedésüket. Hat többé-kevésbé jól elkülönülő taxont tárgyal faji vagy alfaji rangon: Ch. supinus subsp. supinus, Ch. supinus subsp. aggregatus, Ch. triflorus subsp. leucotrichus, Ch. ciliatus (=Ch. triflorus subsp. ciliatus), Ch. supinus subsp. pannonicus, Ch. × pseudorochelii (=Ch. austriacus × Ch. supinus subsp. aggregatus).

A Chamaecytisus supinus és a Ch. triflorus alakkör tagjai a csésze szőrözöttsége alapján jól elkülönülnek. A Ch. triflorus rokonsági körében a csésze sűrűn rövid szőrű, míg a Ch. supinus alakkörébe tartozó taxonok csészéje szórtan hosszú szőrű (kivéve Ch. supinus subsp. pannonicus, amelynek státusza egyébként még tisztázásra szorul). Emellett a Ch. triflorus alakkörben nem fordul elő nyáron a hajtás csúcsán való virágzás.

A Ch. supinus subsp. supinus csak Nyugat-Magyarországon él. Tavasszal és nyáron virágzó alakja is ismert, előbbit korábban a Ch. hirsutus-szal azonosították. A Ch. supinus subsp. aggregatus a Dunántúl jellemző növénye, az Északi-középhegységben csak néhány helyen fordul elő. Főleg a Dél-Dunántúlon tavasszal virágzó példányai is megtalálhatóak. A két alfaj között areájuk találkozásánál átmeneti alakok is előfordulnak.

A Ch. triflorus subsp. leucotrichus elsősorban az Északi-középhegység növénye, előfordul még a Dunazug-hegységben (Budai-hegység, Pilis, Visegrádi-hegység) is. Többi dunántúli jelzése feltehetőleg a Ch. supinus alakkör tavaszi alakjaira vonatkozik. A Ch. ciliatus (mely a Ch. triflorus subsp. leucotrichus-tól a hüvely szőrözöttségében különbözik) az Északi-középhegység keleti felében fordul elő.

A szerző szerint a Ch. × pseudorochelii bizonyosan a Ch. austriacus és Ch. supinus subsp. aggregatus hibridje. Mivel véleménye szerint a Ch. virescens önálló faj, indokoltnak látja a következő új kombináció bevezetését: Ch. × pseudorochelii (Simk.) Pifkó.

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Rövid közlemények

FP 3: 175-178 (2005)


Nagy A.: Érdekes növény-előfordulások Csorna környékén.

Some interesting floristic data found during the flora mapping of the surroundings of Csorna (Kisalföld, NW Hungary) in 2003 and 2004 are presented. Two new species (Digitalis lanata, Crepis pulchra) to the Kisalföld region and further two nationwide rare taxa were found.


Almádi L. – Szalóky I.: A Stipa tirsa Stev. új előfordulása Tapolca mellett.

Auf dem Kula-Hügel bei Tapolca (Ungarisches Mittelgebirge) kam 2004 eine Population von Stipa tirsa Stev. zum Vorschein. Der neu entdeckte Bestand im Inneren des Karpatenbeckens ist das bisher bekannte westlichste Vorkommen der Art.


Mesterházy A. – Király G.: Zannichellia palustris L. a Nyugat–Magyarországi-peremvidéken.

Formerly Zannichellia palustris L. had only one uncertain data in the territory of West Transdanubia (W Hungary). Between 2003-2004 five new localities were found, in gravel-pit pounds, canals and in the edges of fast-running watercourses.


Király G. – Király A.: A Plantago arenaria W. et K. kőszegi lelőhelye.

In 2004 a stand of Plantago arenaria W. et K. was found at the railway station of Kőszeg (NW Hungary). Although this species is frequent in the sandy regions of Hungary, in West Transdanubia has not been detected since the end of the 19th century due to the edaphic characteristics of this area.

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